Under the direction of Cecilia De Torres
Assisted by Susanna V. Temkin, Madeline Murphy Turner, and Victoria L. Fedrigotti
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Artist's sketch for exhibition catalog
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Over the course of his lifetime, Torres-García participated in over one hundred exhibitions held in Europe, the United States, and Latin America. 

Works by the artist were featured in group and solo shows at such important avant-garde venues as the Galerias Dalmau in Barcelona; the Whitney Studio Club in New York; the Galerie Pierre in Paris; and the Stedelijk Museum in the Netherlands.  In 1933, the Museo de Arte Moderno in Madrid hosted Torres-García's first solo exhibition at a museum.

As both artist and organizer, Torres-García played critical roles in such historically important exhibitions as the 1ere Exposition du Groupe Latino-Américain de Paris and the 1ere Exposition Internationale Du Groupe Cercle et Carré, both held in 1930.  This latter exhibition at the Galerie 23 featured works by such prominent artists as Jean Arp, Wassily Kandinsky, Fernand Léger, and Sophie Taueber-Arp. 

Upon his return to Uruguay, Torres-García participated in numerous exhibitions at such Montevideo and Buenos Aires venues as the Amigos de Arte, the Asociación Cristina de Jóvenes, the Salón de Ateneo, and the Galería Müller.   Often, his work was displayed alongside art created by other members of the Asociación de Arte Constructivo, and later, the Taller Torres-García.

Following the artist’s death in 1949, the Sidney Janis Gallery was the first U.S. venue to exhibit Torres-García's art, followed shortly by an exhibition at the Pan-American Union curated by José Gómez-Sicre. Major posthumous exhibitions have been held at the Musée National d'Art Moderne in Paris; The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York; The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid; and The Menil Collection in Houston among numerous others.  In the Fall of 2015, the Museum of Modern Art in New York will celebrate its first retrospective of the artist.

This section of the catalogue raisonné includes information related to the date, venue(s), and art exhibited.  Many exhibition records feature additional materials, including exhibition catalogues, invitations and announcements, and installation photography.  When the works displayed in a given show have been identified, exhibitions can be virtually recreated as thumbnails, or with the images shown in sizes relative one to the other.

Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: de Torres, Cecilia, Susanna V. Temkin, Madeline Murphy Turner, and Victoria L. Fedrigotti. "Exhibitions." In Joaquín Torres-García Catalogue Raisonné. www.torresgarcia.com/exhibitions/ (accessed on March 12, 2025).