Under the direction of Cecilia De Torres
Assisted by Susanna V. Temkin, Madeline Murphy Turner, and Victoria L. Fedrigotti
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Classification: Mural
Year: 1908
Mural for the apse of the Church "La Divina Pastora"
According to Historia de mi Vida Torres-García was commissioned to paint a mural for the apse of a Franciscan church in Sarria: "He chose to paint the mystical and true history of St. Francis. The theme perfectly fit his temperament and feelings during this time...At the top, [he painted St. Francis] before Christ, who blessed him while St. Paul presented the Evangelists. Following St. Paul and on the other side was St. John the Evangelist with an eagle, and next to him were monks carrying the order's pendant. Below was the legend of the wolf of Gubbio, the Porciúncula [Torres-García debio pintar, por esto, la historia mistica y real de San Francisco. El tema se adaptaba perfectamente a su temperamento, y aun a sus sentimientos de aquel momento. ..En lo alto su glorificación: se presentaba ante Cristo, que le bendecía desde un simbólico montículo, mientras San Pablo presentaba ante el los Evangelios, seguido de San Pedro y al otro lado San Juan Evangelista, con el águila a su lado y frailes llevando el pendón de la Orden, etc., y abajo, la leyenda del lobo de Grubbio [sic], la Porciúncula...] (p. 103-104).
Record last updated September 23, 2016. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: de Torres, Cecilia, Susanna V. Temkin, Madeline Murphy Turner, and Victoria L. Fedrigotti. "Mural for the apse of the Church "La Divina Pastora", c.1908 (1908.04)." In Joaquín Torres-García Catalogue Raisonné. www.torresgarcia.com/catalogue/entry.php?id=2375 (accessed on March 14, 2025).